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My Hero

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

❤️👨🏻‍🚒This guy right here is My Hero!..


As I sit here and write this, my paramedic husband is now home after being in the hospital for 4 days, admitted with Covid Pneumonia. Our journey is not over, it will be a while for his body to regulate and no longer be dependent on oxygen.

Not only is my husband suffering with this virus but it has put me in an emotional roller coaster as a fire wife. In midst of our world being put in a Pandemic, in mid March and the concern for the world to not catch a deadly virus and sent us all into quarantine, fearfully my husband tested positive and soon after I thought I had allergies and tested positive for the virus as well in late March. Yes, there was fear that those working on the front lines such as first responders and my husband being a paramedic, but prior to it all I have to admit, I shared with others that I did not fear that my husband would catch the virus because I trusted his work ethic and how he does his job. We soon realized that this virus does not discriminate. Of course our minds were spinning on how it happened, but my husband did come into contact on the job with sick patients coming off the cruise ships in the Port of LA. He shared when he came home about those calls, but had no fear because he had full PPE's.

As for my symptoms, they were very mild and did not last more than a week. I had thought we were both on the road to recovery, but on day 9 of the onset of my husbands symptoms he started to spike a fever and we could not bring it down. Being that our daughter is a nurse, I had called her in the middle of the night and she brought a pulse oximeter and that was our saving grace! The following day, his fevers were up and he constantly kept saying he was okay but the pulse oximeter did not lie, it was reading 88 and with much persistence he finally allowed us to take him to the ER. There he was diagnosed with Covid Pneumonia and admitted. He was told had he waited another day, he may have been intubated.

As on a previous post I had stated "Faith over Fear", I kept on that motto on the first couple of days he was in the hospital. Now knowing how quickly this virus attacks the lungs and my husband not showing improvement, my Faith was being tested and I started to Fear! We were told that day 10 -13 could be the worst days of the virus. The 3rd and 4th day in the hospital were the hardest because no one could give me answers, his temp continued to stay up and they constantly had him on ice packs with him being days on antibiotics, also being on the Hydroxychloroquine, his 02 sats were not improving and knowing that he was in the hospital alone and I could not be by his bedside. The morning of day 4 in the hospital, I woke up feeling desperate and I called the nurse at 4 AM to check on my husband and I could not help but to start crying to the poor young nurse. I know we get used to our firefighters being gone days at a time, but this was different! I had the feeling of a mothers heart and wanted to hold and comfort him, because I knew that having loving family around is healing in itself. Morning of Day 4 in the hospital, I was able to speak with the doctor and my husband was being discharged home. My heart and mind were whirling with emotions, yes I wanted him home but he still had fevers, he was not done with his medications and his 02 sats were still low. He was sent home on oxygen, but the thought did cross my mind "are we well equipped if he was to take a turn for the worse?". I had some comfort that our son at home is a Paramedic.

I am happy to share, we are on day 18 and he has not had fevers for 4 days. He is still on 1LPM O2 support, withs sats at 93-95. It may take some time for his lungs to heal. We are taking it one day at a time. It has been our Faith that has kept us in spirit of Hope. We do believe in the Power of Prayer🙏🏼.

As I was praying at home, my husband was praying for me to just have comfort and allow me to feel like he was on a 72. Maybe thats why I lost it on day 4 because he should have prayed for me to feel as if he was on a 96, a 4 dayer.

I have Trust, Faith and Believe that I will see my husband doing the job that he loves soon enough👨🏻‍🚒❤️.



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